National Ag Day 2020

Happy National Ag Day!

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The world, the news, and most of our lives have been wildly different in recent weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The important thing to know, though, is that it takes far more than a global pandemic to disrupt the farms that grow your food.

Farms all across the country, and especially locally, are busy right now starting seeds, prepping plots, and taking CSA signups to ensure that you have plenty of access to local food. At West End Farm, we currently have exactly 1,002 transplants growing under grow lights, with another 175 seeds due to be started in the next couple of days.


Ag Day is a great day to celebrate the farmers (and others in the ag industry) in your community. This year, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's especially important to support local farms. When you buy local food, you directly support a farmer in your community, and you know exactly where you food comes from--it's food that has not been touched by many, many different hands in many places before it got to you.

To get local, healthy food, visit our online farm store or sign up for a CSA share. To find other Nebraska farms, check out the Buy Fresh Buy Local guide or the Nebraska Dept. of Ag. vendor search.